Friday, May 10, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 10 May 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

{this moment} we are celebrating big accomplishments!! Miles went from push cycle to a pedal bike this weekend. At three years old he skipped the training wheels completely! It was an amazing weekend.  Aidan has taken to climbing himself up into the "Landy" and seems he is ready for the next big journey that might come his way.  It seems the "travel bug" might be in his genes too because he looks like a natural driving that thing!

 Miles - United States

Aidan - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 


  1. Very cute! I remember the little bike days!

    Here's ours:

  2. Wow! Big moments indeed! They are just adorable!

    I have learned not to say "say cheese!" because this is what my little will do every.single.time. *giggle*
