Friday, December 27, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 27 December 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.
 Celebrating the Winter Solstice with a bonfire after our ice storm.
- United States

End of our Christmas lunch with Sean's family at a remote sheep farm up the West Coast. 
- South Africa

Love and warmth from us... We celebrated the summer Solstice at a waterfall with Andy at midday and then sent the sun back to you... So it can be 'born' again in the north.

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember

Friday, December 20, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 20 December 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

 Birthday sledding adventure - United States

The newest fashion; a bamboo nappie for a hat - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, December 13, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 13 December 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

 Sometimes it amazes me how connected our global community is. Although we are so far away, we spent some time this week telling the boys about the life of the man the world is mourning.  The distance that divides us is made even more surreal with the fact that it is truly a winter wonderland here right now as the longest night approaches.

Night falls early and we spend our time talking & reading together in our cozy pajamas - United States

On the other side of the world our friends spent the week remembering and celebrating the life of Nelson Mandela. Here Aidan used his creative talents to make artwork with hand-prints, like Mandela did in his Impressions of Africa series.  See these beautiful images for yourself at this website.
 Impressions of Aidan

Painting in the buff in warm sunny Southern Africa.
(with thanks to Aunt Andy for the addition of the fig leaf! :-)

In Vanessa's words on the day of Mandela's funeral ~
"We celebrated him today with a picnic with an old friend of Sean's and her son at Noordhoek common. It certainly is a lovely memory of this day to have watched our boys play in a stream and eat healthy food and be thankful for all we have and for the wonderful spirit and soul of Mandela which will never leave us."

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, December 6, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 6 December 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

This week we celebrated the first real snow with a hike in the woods.  We spotted these brilliant red wild rose hips that stood out against the subtle browns & grays of the winter quilt that has been laid upon the landscape.
Winter hike - United States

Sean discovered a game that Aidan really likes,  the "Dad-go-round!"
- South Africa

And we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the fact that we woke up this morning to learn that the world has lost one of our most brilliant spirits.  We are sending big love to our friends in South Africa as they celebrate and remember the great life of Nelson Mandela.

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, November 29, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 29 November 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

This week my baby turned two, and his big brother helped blow out his candles. - United States

Aidan giving his teddy 'Snowy' a hug and reading a cake recipe book to him... I heard him say 'ook - wowsers' (look - flowers) - South Africa

Aidan also snapped these awesome portraits of his parents using his mother's phone! He is quite the photographer.

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, November 22, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 22 November 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

Two years ago we were baking a cake and waiting for these babies to be born. What a journey it has been!  This week Ruben tried his push cycle with the neighborhood kids!  My baby is getting so big!

 Almost two - on a two wheeler!

This was one night this week when the boys "helped" in the kitchen as I prepared dinner. They were just doing a little hammering while I cooked. (Their energy and ability never ceases to amaze me!) - United States

On the other side of the globe little Aidan celebrated his birthday with a safari trek - and an elephant sighting!!

And then with some cake and a teddy bear tea party with family and friends! - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, November 15, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 15 November 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

This week Vanessa and I  are both sharing pictures of our boys and their fathers.  I must say I think there is something magical about watching the man you love with your children. And it has occurred to me as we work together to raise our boys, that I found the most amazing role model for them in their father.  I love to step back at times and watch the adventures they enjoy together ~ my boys. <3

This weeks events included moving both our boys into the same bedroom (upon their request) and it has been quite a successful venture! Because the evening light is waning so early we usually get into our pajamas right after dinner and dive into books for our adventures. Here are my boys reading together in their new "big boy room." - Unites States

Aidan and his Dada crossing a stream after an adventure spent splashing and playing outside! Sean is proving that parenting can be quite the balancing act at times :-) - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, November 8, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 8 November 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.
Sacred days:

Celebrating the simple blessings of everyday life - United States
Our day was sacred in the way that everyday is sacred when you are alive.  It was a simple morning spent gathering firewood and kindling for the cold days ahead. The boys played (relatively) peacefully around me as I worked and gathered sticks and stones and "salad" in the form of mulberry leaves. 

Far away our friends revisited the The Dell at Kirstenbosch where Aidan had his blessing ceremony.
When he was a month old Sally wrote his name in blue corn that Aunty Alicia had sent us from Santa Fe for our wedding. Everyone put a heart shaped leaf around it to decorate the rock. The minister who married us in Cape Town performed a beautiful blessing ceremony for Aidan as we all sat along the stream from the spring.

When we arrived there yesterday, there was a hadeda ibis a few rocks away, preening. It wasn't bothered by our arrival and stayed for a long time before walking in the water, catching prey.
Aidan had a great time splashing and throwing mud about!

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, November 1, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 1 November 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

As fate may have it - Vanessa and I both took photos that were eerily similar in their subject matter this week - but the part that seemed even more symbiotic was the fact that this particular sunset held a very special place in my heart.  I went for a much needed walking meditation last Saturday; after a few long and arduous days waiting to hear the fate of a friend, and the outcome of the early birth of her precious daughter, I really needed some fresh air.  It was with great thanks, and a heart full of gratitude that I watched the sunset paint the sky pink on my walk.  As I wandered and cleared my head I found I was thinking about the fact that this little being just took her first breath, and was "looking to her first day," and that this was her first sunset of her first day in this life.  I feel so incredibly blessed to be part of her tribe and to have the opportunity to help teach her the wonders of the world we live in.  It was especially telling when the picture came through and I saw that Vanessa was also celebrating the sunset on the same day - somewhere far away - but so close in the same human experience, on this Earth and this gift we call life.

Pink sunset for baby Stella - United States

 Beautiful Kommetjie sunset - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 25, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 25 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

Yesterday we lit a candle for GG, we miss her so <3 - United States

 Tractor ride! - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 18, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 18 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

More imaginative play on both sides of the world!!  What I wouldn't do for little sailor Aidan to travel to the Great Lakes; and for my boys Miles and Ruben to see a real safari tour with Aunt Vanessa in Africa.  One day.... one day.... I know it will happen.

Wild animal safari - United States.

 Sailing the seas of his new home - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 11, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 11 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe. was all yellow!
Admiring the yellow leaves on a sunset walk - United States

Aidan found a yellow balloon (wearing a yellow shirt) on his favorite playground - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Trek To Our Family Tree - September 2013

I would say that walking the trails with these boys is my favorite thing in the world to do!

On this sunny day in September we decided it would be the perfect day to wander over to our "new family tree" and capture another picture to show how much we have all grown since last March.

My boys.

Here is our September 2013 family photo.

Compared to our March 2013 family photo.

Just like in March Miles ran right up to the tree and began to explore it.

The difference of six months meant he was easily able to climb right up into the V in the tree.

Little brother could walk around on his own this time around, but the uneven ground and towering grasses still prove daunting, so he let us know, as only Ruben can, that he would really rather be carried around.
It was a memorable day on the trail with my babies! We found some of the first few leaves that have turned and fallen to the ground.  {I am still wearing my birthing bracelets for the precious babies we are waiting to meet this Fall/Winter.}

Miles climbed the new trail-head ~ and was very proud of himself!

As we wandered ~ at the toddler's pace I have become accustomed to ~ we found intricate seed pods for our fall collection of treasures.

All the while the bugs and the blooms around us added sights and sounds to this simple walk that I have grown to love; making it a magical memorable day!