Friday, July 26, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 26 July 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

This week our photos touched on the subject I think a lot about lately - child's play! I keep thinking that this is the one childhood that my boys will get, and the memories they are making will form the foundation of their character. My personal definition for childhood: The opportunity to explore the world unencumbered through wonder and play! (At least that is what I hope their experience feels like!)

 Drawing on walls - United States

 Jumping in mud puddles - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 


  1. What a cool way to share your moments! I'm glad I stopped by.

  2. Sally! This is Kara Daniel, from GVSU back in the day? I found myself thinking about you tonight and I decided to Google your name which brought me to your blog. Isn't the internet wonderful and creepy? Anyway, I was just missing you and wanted to say hello. You have such a beautiful family! Miles was such a little guy when I met him- I can't believe how big both boys are, now!
    I hope you all are doing well!
