Friday, April 27, 2012

Evolution of a smile!


I love this series I took of Ruben, I call it "The evolution of a smile!"
I am not sure when this kid is not happy!  He is such a delightful baby, and
noone makes him smile more than his big brother!

December 2011
April 2012

He is growing so fast, right before our eyes.  Here is a photo of Ruben with Papou when he was one month old, next to another taken this week at five months!

One of my favorite signs of spring is when the lilacs begin to bloom.  There is nothing like the scent of fresh lilacs and I love to surround myself with them during the few weeks they are in season.
Miles with his first lilac - Spring 2010
Ruben with his first lilac - Spring 2012

Here is Miles' twenty-eight month photo... I know it is crazy that I keep documenting each month, but I have a photo album specifically for these pictures and it is amazing to flip through and see the changes. 
Ruben seems ok with the fact that Miles' new favorite game is pushing him around in the "rolly cart."  They almost have their own secret language when they play together.  Miles just makes the strangest noises right in Ruben's face and they both just giggle and squeal - it is fun to watch them really beginning to play together.

Miles helped me bake cookies!  

Ruben before his bath - looking suspicious!  
Bath time is not his favorite.

Here is the one photo we managed to get of all four kids together at our Tuesday play date.   Josie, Carson, Miles, and Ruben all hanging out on the deck.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sal! Great pictures as always. Love the smile pics and the last one of the B-Babes. Abram loves Chloe, too, and I can't wait for them to be able to play together. So cute :o) Thank you again for my charms. I have been showing everyone (it is sort of obnoxious, but I just love them so much!) I've been thinking of you and hope you are doing better this week!
