I know - like my year needed more chaos and disarray, but really... I figure, why not shake things up even more! Sometimes, life just tells you what needs to happen. Since most of our year has been like this - I was not really surprised when all of the house hunting we have done over the last few years culminated with us walking into THE house we knew we were supposed to make our home.
We actually found the house in May, but anyone who has ever purchased a home knows about the series of nail biting exchanges that can occur, and understands the excitement/tension/anticipation that accompanies the process. It took longer than I ever imagined to come to the conclusion that we were in fact moving. We were hesitant to even get excited ourselves, yet at the same time in my heart I just knew that this was where we were going to live. The extra time was good because it gave us time to say our goodbyes to "our old house" as Miles calls it. I am someone who needs time for transition and change, and really we had ample time to help the boys (and me) get used to the idea of moving and beginning the next ~really exciting~ chapter of our lives.
It seemed fitting that our last visitor at our "old house" was my dear friend Sarah! We have been through so many exciting changes in each others lives through the years - it was absolutely perfect that she was here to help me through this one. And the girls night out to dinner was just what I needed!
As we worked to move boxes each evening, in an effort to diminish the amount of work on the big move day, I found myself in disbelief that the one week we needed to move everything we own in this life was the hottest I have ever experienced in Michigan!
Because we had such a relaxed moving schedule I was able to spend some quiet time clearing the house before we moved in. I used my last big sage bundle from New Mexico to smudge. It just felt right to have such a special part of my heart in the desert burn and fill the air of our new home with blessings for the future.
In the middle of "moving month" we had a visit from GG. It felt much too short, and I felt too busy with moving to get the quality time I like to have with her, so I am looking forward to her return this fall.
We also went about our regular daily activities as everything around us was taken off walls and from drawers and put into boxes. Ruben got his first haircut, more like a trim really, at the "old house." He had a little mo-hawk going with his wispy baby hair. Michael trimmed it, but it won't be long and I think he will need a full fledged haircut. Funny, because at this point Miles was still basically bald.
Moving day finally arrived!! We had great help from family, and we could not have done any of it without "Uncle Joelie!" The big push was to get the boys rooms set up quickly so they could "adjust" to them through the day, and hope that they felt familiar enough in the new home with all their things around them to sleep that night :-) The grandparent worked off and on supervising the boys while we worked moving. As you can imagine - this two year old was especially enamored with the big yellow truck in our driveway!! Papou must have walked him up and down the ramp a hundred times! That is until he declared, "I can do it myself!" And he did.
This guy just sat back and supervised from his "rolly cart." He has recently figured out how to get this thing moving, and it is fun because I think he feels like he is participating in things.
Needless to say, we were all so tired that we did indeed sleep well that first night in our house. It was a bit strange waking up, but it did not take me long to unearth most of my kitchen gear (except for the one missing box?!?!) and whip up a batch of blueberry pancakes. After all, nothing says home more than a nice comforting breakfast.
Soon after we moved we began to receive visitors! It was such a joy to greet Mere on the driveway and share this special first with her! I got to meet Sam for the first time, and she got to see our new home. In typical Mere style she arrived full of smiles and bearing beautiful things; this time a housewarming gift of potted succulents - including the precious string of pearl plant that will always remind me of her greenhouse when we were growing up. We tried to catch up over all the insane happenings of the last year in an afternoon - and I think we did a pretty good job, but I could have used about ten more hours! All the while her sweet son played and then napped nearby - surreal! I am so blessed to have held on to such wonderful friends through the years, and I am so grateful when life makes our paths cross again!
So - that is the quick update covering some very huge changes in our lives!! Beautiful changes mind you. Exciting ones that encompass our hopes and dreams for the future, and for the lives of our boys! This shift has given me yet another dose of perspective this year, and I feel like I have grown in leaps and bound; so has my love for Micheal, our babies, and our family and friends! One of our absolute favorite parts of this home is the park nearby. I know that allure of watching it, and our land, grow and change through the seasons is part of why we fell in love with this place.
So - for now - everything is new again, which is fun sometimes. Although I may feel "uprooted" when it comes to finding my personal belongings... on a larger scale I feel more connected and in-touch than I have in a long time. I definitely feel excited about the prospects about really "growing roots" in one place.
Sally! Thanks for the update. Paul and I would like to come visit once you are all settled. Let's pick a date soon. Maybe a Friday night pizza night. I have to say that I have been waiting for a recap of the big Bradley gathering. All in time :o) Love you!