Friday, April 26, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 26 April 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.  

{this moment} we are enjoying spending time outside.

On the trail - United States

On the beach at moonrise - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 


  1. Wow - look at that moonrise! Beautiful!

    Have a lovely weekend :) And thank you for stopping by at mine :)

  2. I love the dual photos :)

    If you are so inclined, here is my moment:

  3. hi Sally! thaks for visiting ar recyclingmama. What a great idea to share moments!

  4. What lovely pictures of two different outdoor walks! I love moonrise : )

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope to see your moment again this Friday!
