I guess my last post in April
"A Flood of Renewal" was too figurative ~ and perhaps I needed
a literal flood of my own for the message to become clearer?!?
I do not mean to be melodramatic, but for an example -
here is what our Monday looked like last week. As dramatic as it sounds (and don't get me wrong - it was truly surreal to witness) I quickly found myself able to recognize that this particular "crisis" was rather insignificant in the whole scheme of things. It is certainly not irrelevant; it has definitely caused an extra hum of unrequested stress in our lives, but it is not life altering and easily managed. And as localized events usually go ~ ours was the only major happening on my radar that day ~ until my drive home when I heard the news about the horrible tornadoes and the terrible loss of life that occurred in the south. The next day when people asked me how we were coping with our flood, I came to an unexpected, but honest answer. "The issues we are dealing with have caused us some headache, but is it certainly nothing compared to the heartache that so many in Oklahoma are experiencing right now."
That said, this last month I feel we have been walking a razor thin
line dividing the extremes of crisis and celebration. At any given
moment we have found ourselves on the opposite ends of the pendulum
swings in between these
vastly different circumstances! It made me think of the unlikely comparison between similar terms
May Day and
mayday! One referencing the annual rite, a celebration of the arrival of spring and all things growing new; the other referencing the call of life-threatening despair in the time of an emergency.
Yep, sounds like the balance of our lives right now.
Really though - I continue to find faith in the fact that I truly believe you are never given more than you can handle in this life. Our month of May feels like it has been filled with more than our share of major peaks and valleys. Yet in between the highs and lows we have also enjoyed some of the most beautiful peaceful moments that have allowed us to take stock, collect our breaths, and remember how blessed we are in this life.
Enjoy some pictures from our adventure.
Confident with his push cycle!
Prescribed burn. Clearing the way for new growth.
Pit crew. Prepping for the maiden voyage!!
Making his way with his own walking stick on the trail.
Sick again. {Oh, we have all been so sick again.}
Precious moments with Papa!
The greens of summer are upon us.
Happiness is a new swimsuit and a kiddie pool.
Biking with confidence.
With some of the most beautiful flowers come the sharpest thorns.
Hawthorn - Crataegus, the Greek word for strength. {fitting}
Making wishes ~ this boy is a master dandelion hunter!
We will continue to hold each other close and cherish each precious moment we are given to share.