Friday, October 25, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 25 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

Yesterday we lit a candle for GG, we miss her so <3 - United States

 Tractor ride! - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 18, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 18 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.

More imaginative play on both sides of the world!!  What I wouldn't do for little sailor Aidan to travel to the Great Lakes; and for my boys Miles and Ruben to see a real safari tour with Aunt Vanessa in Africa.  One day.... one day.... I know it will happen.

Wild animal safari - United States.

 Sailing the seas of his new home - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 11, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 11 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe. was all yellow!
Admiring the yellow leaves on a sunset walk - United States

Aidan found a yellow balloon (wearing a yellow shirt) on his favorite playground - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Trek To Our Family Tree - September 2013

I would say that walking the trails with these boys is my favorite thing in the world to do!

On this sunny day in September we decided it would be the perfect day to wander over to our "new family tree" and capture another picture to show how much we have all grown since last March.

My boys.

Here is our September 2013 family photo.

Compared to our March 2013 family photo.

Just like in March Miles ran right up to the tree and began to explore it.

The difference of six months meant he was easily able to climb right up into the V in the tree.

Little brother could walk around on his own this time around, but the uneven ground and towering grasses still prove daunting, so he let us know, as only Ruben can, that he would really rather be carried around.
It was a memorable day on the trail with my babies! We found some of the first few leaves that have turned and fallen to the ground.  {I am still wearing my birthing bracelets for the precious babies we are waiting to meet this Fall/Winter.}

Miles climbed the new trail-head ~ and was very proud of himself!

As we wandered ~ at the toddler's pace I have become accustomed to ~ we found intricate seed pods for our fall collection of treasures.

All the while the bugs and the blooms around us added sights and sounds to this simple walk that I have grown to love; making it a magical memorable day!

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Walk in the Park, A Favorite Book & 1,000 Hours Outside

Sometimes when the stars align parenting can actually feel like a walk in the park.  Like the one I took {last month now} with my boys!

We have a new favorite book at our house; A Day With No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch. It was another one of those book "serendipity" moments at the library again. I found this one and it felt like it had been written for our family! It incorporates our drawing on walls habit, and my Andy Goldsworthy like obsession with making art in nature.

So one morning this past month as the vegetation all around us was waning on the cusp of summer, we decided to take a hike outdoors and spend our own day with no crayons.  Everything around us was still bright with summer greens and yellows, and the occasional blue and purple late blooming wildflower.  Just like Liza, the main character in the book - and Miles' new favorite person - we began to notice the colors we saw.  We took time to acknowledge each one and then gather a sample into our basket.  We found lime colored milkweed pods, weathered sticks, evergreen needles, grasses heavy with seed, and the ornamental tops of flowers whose petals had already fallen. 

As soon as we reached the lookout, and unloaded the basket, the boys got to work making it into a picture, "Just like Liza would!"

While I watched and let them work I found myself examining each element up close. Here is the milkweed seed pod contents - not quite mature - but so beautiful in its simple design.

It is always so amazing to watch the boys explore at their own pace. I found I wanted to stoop down and walk slowly - trying to imagine the world from their level where grasses still towered overhead; and then the sighting of a cricket sent us off and running in another direction! 

We know that it is such a blessing to live where we do, and have such easy access to an amazing expanse of the outdoors - literally at our doorstep.  Another component to the serendipity of this entry is that when I posted a picture of the boys playing on our woodpile as part of my {this moment} ritual, I received a comment from 1,000 Hours Outside. I was enamored with the fact that this amazing group stumbled upon my moment... and therefore my blog.

Many of you that know me realize that teaching children about the outdoors is my passion. On so many levels it is what I long to devote my every waking hour to - and I know that one day I will.  It has been a very long year - or two - with health issues, job changes, and the loss of dearly loved ones.  Slowly I am beginning to feel like myself again.  And just as slowly the realization has come to me, that I have the rest of my life to be a teacher to the children of others. Right now my greatest job is to care for my own little brood. I look forward to updating about all of the exciting things that will someday be; as I build this business plan and this seasonal curriculum in my heart. Each day it is growing inside me, with me constantly, and one day will be ready to be born into its own light.
But, I digress.

As I leaned more about this amazing 1000 hours outside group, and their effort to promote getting kids outside, I realized that I can find faith in the fact that there are other mamas out there, teaching their children the cycles and seasons of the outdoors too. I felt comfort knowing that because of their efforts there will in fact be other kids that can identify the sound of a Barred Owl, as opposed to the jingle for a cereal commercial, that my boys will be able to play with one day.  I felt so relieved when I found their site because I was reminded that there are still people that believe that nature can be a primary component of our daily lives.  And what's more - they don't just talk about getting outside - they go out and do it!  So - if you are so inclined look to their efforts and be inspired as I was. I think that rather than keep a tally of our hours, I will instead just continue to follow the lead of my own two little teachers. They do an amazing job of getting me outside, and helping me see the world from a fresh perspective as I watch them experience it!

Friday, October 4, 2013

{this moment} on two continents! 4 October 2013

Each week my South African friend Vanessa and I post {this moment} on two continents! as a ritual to celebrate our friendship and the bond we share as we raise our boys "together" on opposite sides of the globe.
Fall has arrived at the apple orchard - United States

Celebrating Spring with a swing - South Africa

Inspired by Soulemama - {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo few photos - no words - some words :-) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bradley Reunion - August 2013

Another Year - Another Bradley Reunion - Another baby on the way {not mine!}
(Note: I am finally posting pictures - our actual reunion was in August!)

My how fast they grow!!  Each year I am amazed when we gather again and pose our babies in front of the world map quilt that Yia Yia made for Miles.  I love that I met the mothers of these beautiful babies when we were furiously planning to become first time parents. At that point all the planning was surrounding the thought of pregnancy and childbirth - we had no idea that the work really started once they got out of the womb! 
 February 17, 2010

 August 10, 2013

Over the past four years together we have weathered all things related to birthing, nursing, diapering, teething, sleep problems, surgeries, broken bones, and "firsts" of just about everything. We have shared stories that have made us laugh until we thought our sides might split, and we have comforted each other as we have cried through some hard times too.  All this while realizing the more we learn the less we know about parenting. Each child is unique and each new experience is another opportunity to learn what to do - or what not to do next time.  Thankfully - we all decided to take the same birthing class four years ago - so we have been able to share this journey together as a team! 

The Bradley Team has grown astronomically this year - as only kids can do!  If you want you can compare the kids last year this time by looking at the previous reunion post.

(It was next to impossible to get a picture of this kid without food in his mouth from this party - especially once the cupcakes came out!!)

And of course we had to line the kids up with the world map again! We learned last year the only way to get eight kids to stand still for more than a minute is to pass out popsicles - so we tried the same trick this year!!
Bradley Eight - July 2012 

 August 2013
And then after they eat popsicles - why not let them eat cake too - I mean it is a party right!?!

I call this picture - "The Cupcake Fairy Godmother!"
Ruben especially could not believe his luck - popsicles and cupcakes in one night - life is good!
The super exciting news is that one brave family took the leap and is ready to welcome the third baby!!  By the end of 2013 we will be welcoming another member to our Bradley Team! 

I have also heard news that our sweet friends from the class that moved away are also expecting again! So the tally now is one birthing class, five couples, ten children, and two on the way! Wow - we have been busy!! :-)  You can see all five of the couples on my first Bradley Reunion Post from 2010.

Thanks again to Cassie & Paul for hosting our wonderful/action packed dinner!