The first month of 2012 is over. Time truly flies when you are measuring it watching two boys grow. Ruben is really beginning to participate in his world which is fun to watch. He weighed thirteen pounds and eight ounces at his two month check up, and he is already wearing three month-olds clothes.

Here he is hanging out in the little play gym that was a hand-me-down, and also a favorite of Miles' when he was small. He will sit and bat at the assorted hanging objects for awhile, but truthfully he would rather be held! This little man loves to cuddle in your arms - something I am trying to savor because I know how fast he'll grow!

Here he is packed into his car seat with the amazing cover that "Tia Mo" had made for us. This is his little window to the world when we are off on an adventure!

I have always loved the pictures I took of Miles'
hands and
feet. I wanted to capture similar images with Ruben so I would have them to compare -
and cherish - because I know the time will come that they will be wearing shoes bigger than mine!

I love this picture where I even got Miles to place his hand in the photo! Mama with her boys. Miles is two years old and Ruben is two months old.

Then I managed to snap some images of Papa holding Ruben's little feet.
Last weekend we had some visitors! Michael's Nouna came over bearing thoughtful gifts for the boys. It was fun to see her playing with our babies. Sarah brought Alex, who is growing so fast and already on the move! I can't even imagine Ruben crawling around and pulling himself up on tables and chairs. Michelle is pregnant, and we are all excited to find out if there will be another boy in the mix - or if she will deliver the long awaited girl :-)

I just adore the fact that our kids will grow up playing together, just like their fathers did. Although I still cannot imagine what it was like at an Abraham/Triant gathering when there were
nine boys running around!

Another exciting part of the weekend was when Papa and Miles attached a peg to his guitar so he could use a strap. At first he was not so sure about using the drill on his beloved instrument, but once he realized what the strap did he was ecstatic! He literally spun around and played and sang for us - just precious!

Here he is glancing over to see what his little brother thinks about his performance.

Ruben was enthralled and he kicked his legs and danced along. (And yes that is a little bit of his perpetual spit-up on his shirt. I think we go through at least six wardrobe changes a day around here.)

Finally - we ended January with a long awaited snow fall, and some packing snow worthy of a snowman! Miles was thrilled when Papa helped him create this character on the back porch. He told me he needed a hat and a "string" for his neck (translation scarf.)

Amazingly, by the next day around the same time the poor thing was melted and scattered on the ground. The weather we are having this winter is totally bizarre!

Miles ended the day by helping Papa take loads of the wood we just had delivered down to the wood pile. I wish I had snapped a picture of the two of them with their wheelbarrows walking up and down the hill. Then when it was time for bed Miles asked to read
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. A book that has been on his bookshelf for a long time, and that we have read from time to time when it snows.

In the story the little boy tries to keep a snowball in his pocket and save it for later. As you can imagine it melts when he goes inside to his warm house after playing in the snow all day. What I love is that Miles made the connection between the melting snow and the fate of his poor snowman.
We are all waiting to see what kind of weather the rest of this winter will bring. This time last year we were literally covered in four feet of snow! It is crazy to look back at
this post and realize that Miles was
just learning to walk. And as we celebrated the first batch of Bradley Babies, we still had no idea that we would soon find out that we were all having second babies within the year. Wow - what an amazing year it has been!
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